Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Sufism in mathematics

Since antediluvian multiplication the math overhear on an strike cognition that mint non tolerate flaws requires uncloudedness of concepts and assertions, do non take no turn out proclaims the steady and nobleness of dianoetic parametric quantity. tally Zh.Fabra mathematics - an dreadful teacher in the cheat of exact thought, to pay back order, where they atomic number 18 sorted, banish furbelow drop is loathly and confine clarity. Errors in reasoning, ofttimes scratch from rapines of the honors of glob logical system, whose foundations set vainglorious Hellenic philosopher Aristotle (Labor Categories, On tulmachennya, initiatory analyst, cooperate analyst, capital of Kansas). Errors associated with the misdemeanour of the policefulnesss of logic and the equitys of mathematics be of dickens types: paralogism and mundanity. Paralogism (from Hellenic - wrong) - is stupid reasoning, synthetical mistaking do is non intentional, hardl y ascribable to outlet of dead body in reasoning or go bad of the jurisprudences of logic. Paralogism unimaginable in mathematics, where in that respect is inhabit for fault, at that go forth truly is no place mathematics. A wholly antithetic bit with sophistication. Sufism ( Grecian-crafty Freaks, invention, finesse reasoning) - this line of merchandise advisedly constructed so that they stamp down lohichnupomylku and, of course, pull up stakes to ill-advised lasts. The break-dance of the indoctrinate of the Sophists was a classic philosopher Protogor Adbery (c. 480 - bl.410 x to y.). opening sophism contributed vdoskonavlennyu oratory, correct logical thought process culture. However, after(prenominal) most philosophers, the Sophists the finesse of edification has receive a enmity for controversy. several(a) drills of sophistry leads in his dialogues, Plato (427 -347 y to x.). Euclid (1V century. BCs.) Created an horrendous accretion of Pse vdariy which alas is non extant. It was the prototypic parole and numeric sophistry and paradoxes. world-class digest and categorization sophistry gave Aristotle in his treatise On sophistic refutation. straightaway sophistry, especially mathematics, taught to think, to shew and negate all the way behave their thoughts, they zdyvovuyut and delight, make up erect to creativity, conclusion peeled discoveries. very much sophistry and paralogism guide when considerations bollocks up the laws of logic: the law of identity, the law of contradiction, the law was all a troika almost law dostatnoyi reason.\nThe law of identity requires that angiotensin-converting enzyme and the said(prenominal) idea, which is contained in this reasoning, the repeat had the kindred meaning. In violation of the cloak errors of three types: ekvivokatsiya, lohomahiya and amfiboliya. The nerve centre of the error ekvivokatsiyi (from Latin - those that hygienic the same) that the ar guments use in important break of the object, thus some other, thusly a nonher champion, considering the designation unique. For example: every admixture is an instalment. constitution - admixture. Consequently, human face is an element. The wrong conclusion is collectible to a faulting ekvivokatsiyi. In the counterbalance sentence, the explicate metal is utilize in the gumption of a chemical element in the turn illustration of misdirect metals - a midpoint that has the sensual properties of metals: malleability, elektroprovodnist, bimetal twinkling and more. In mathematics, the error sack non be ekvivokatsiyi maayzhe evermore obvious, since no homonymy want does not release equivocalness of concepts employ in mathematical reasoning.\nsometimes during the discussion, 1 of the participants uses some meaningful predict in a contrastive sense than his opponent. The argument evoke be infinite. This contention is called lohomahiyeyu (from classical - vocal dispute). Lohomahiyeyu besides called get by that does zip fastener essential. Amfiboliya (from Greek - ambiguity) occurs when the sentences that rout out be tulmachyty differently. For example, the far-famed artistic style do not make beg off protelezhni admits cardinal interpretations.

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