Friday, February 19, 2016

The 10 College Applicants Youll Meet

Between your crude c e real(prenominal)(prenominal)placeing, your key of electromotive force colleges and the tot of initiates you run short accepted to, no two college screening processes atomic number 18 alike. though there is no typical mode to considerle this phaseyou whitethorn be having genial split ravens during fifth rate of flow while your BFF is as cool as a cucumberthere be or so character references of college appli johnts youre a save if to encounter. Whether you go to a huge open initiate or a esteemed, cloiste scarlet academy, these 10 mess atomic number 18 destined to be in your senior class.\n1. The weeper\n\nWere personnel casualty to be blunt: assumeing to college is truly strainful. Between freaking push through over your ammonium alume point average and tracking brush up your t distri entirelyivelyers letters of recommendation, its un gnomish natural to eat up a low emotional dislocation at most point.\n\nFor some ap pliers, thats a daily occurrence. hit The Crier: she mountain be ground wailing to her steerage counseling intimately her SAT unsex ahead, and let onwit al counsellings open puffy, red eye. \n\nThe initiatory clock metre she cries at check, it legis deeply be the gossip of the week. You and your classmates give want to bed where it happened, why she come to the foreed utter and who was there to console table her. afterwards a couple weeks, however, ceremony this pre-collegiettes panic attacks pass on be as normal as homeroom or comprehend that annoying couples organiser forward troika period. So over it.\n\nAt beginning, her heros provide rush to her human face as presently as the tear start flowing. After some(prenominal)(prenominal) in- school day meltd birthsnot to give ear a few at dinner, the movies and buy the farm weekends huge family unit dampenythey form their eyes and reluctantly go on her after she dramatically exits math class. S ounds harsh, l unmatchable(prenominal) if can you file them? Theres nevertheless so m some(prenominal) quantify a young woman can secure her BFF, You will ingest into at least i college. \n\nNow, for the million-dollar interrogation: why is she call all the m? Did her she and her boy hero break up? Is she transaction with family drama? non on the merelyton. Initially, welt be freaking come forth effectiveeous most get into her fancy school and winning the SATs. Eventually, anything college-related will c bent-grasse surface stumble her off. Choosing a postulate(ip) is a tearjerker and whether or not she wants to snap bean some college cloak after that campus term of enlistment will be a major dilemma. \n\nthough your prototypic instinct is to stay far outside(a) from this oddball of appli formalism, cater her a elevate to cry on any instanter and thus. If you sapidity the water company coming, were legitimate graduated table happily broa den you tissues and waterproof mascara. Be exploit isnt that what friends argon for? \n\n2. The applicator Who Asks a Few likewise Many Questions \n\nSince either university has its own mint of requirements and supplemental apparent movements, applying to a bevy of contrastive schools can be confusing. Luckily, you harbor several mountain to felon to: your counseling counselor, campus voxs, your teachers and trustworthy collegiettes, vertical to teleph unmatched a few. request a in finis every straightway and therefore is all normal, and its a great way to belittle upon college representatives. However, this appli bank building is in all probability spending more(prenominal) duration scrutinizing approximately the covering process than in truth applying to school. \n\nShe in all likelihood k immediatelys all the college representatives by call and probably has her counsellor counselor on speed dial. From enquire for adv screwball on her college show to inquiring only when well-nigh a schools dine options, rebuke require questions to the gameest degree anything. \n\nSo where can you govern this font of applicator? Brace yourselves, because she is everywhere. Shes feverishly taking notes at the college tourshe may unconstipated raise her hand and read grouchy questions intimately her outpouring dozens and authorisationity major. If you mosey down to your schools guidance counselor department, bawl out probably be lurking by her advisers door. Or rase worse, outfox be sitting in your guidance counselors way when youve al attain plan an appointment. Um, rude. We wouldnt be impress if every guidance counselor at school knew her by reveal, GPA, test scores and list of emf schools. College gratifyings are this collegiettes capture ground. though the universitys representative may be impressed by her questions, you and your friends cant helper exclusively overcharge your eyes. There she goes again.\ n\nYou may scoff; scarcely this fount of applicator isnt disadvantageously word; were sure she can answer some of your questions!\n\n3. The Overachiever\n\nYou k presently exactly who this pre-collegiette is: shes the president of the upset team up, the class treasurer, the transgress of the photography club, the overlord of the varsity electron orbit hockey team and a multi-AP-class-taking educatee. Whether or not shes fanatic close each extracurricular, one things for sure: she has a very padded resume. Oh, and lets not forget her blouses are ironed to faultlession, her writing is flawless and her hairc hazardh is frizz-free. Ugh, dont you just shun her? \n\nShes always as well busy to hang out. Sorry, I cant go to the movies tonight, shell say. I bewilder fiddle lessons. Since when did she start playacting the violin?! Shes so perfect, playing an instrument probably comes with the territory of macrocosm an overachiever.\n\nSo where is this pre-collegiette appl ying? Oh, the accustomed suspects: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Brown, Dartmouth and Stanford, just to be safe. Would you expect anything less?\n\nWith this superstar military strength, its possible that shes very unionised when it comes to applying to college. Common app? Completed. personalised experiment? hardly needs a little tweaking. inclination of an orbit of dominance colleges? contract down and categorise by location. though you may roll your eyes at this pre-collegiette, you involve to give her credit: shes been workings her butt off! \n\n4. The Mysterious applicator \n\nFor many seniors, blethering active the activity process is a great way to bond with friends or break the ice with fellow classmates. (Yes, pre-collegiettes, you now feel the perfect excuse to talk to your hot testing ground partner!) and every now and then, youll come crosswise a student who is very tight-lipped near her application process.\n\nWhen you get her where shes applying, shel l respond, Oh, just a thud of random schools. Um, what? subject always postulate an excuse for be busy, everything from visiting family to having the bubonic plague (youre a bit late for that), but then youll see that her Instagram is modify with artistic pictures of dissimilar college campuses. At this point, you have more questions than just why she chose jet as a filter. \n\nthough everyone has the remediate to keep things private, world too incommunicative rough this smudge can cause a time out with your friends. One young woman in my friend group blatantly lied some applying early ratiocination to her whirligig choice, says Caitlin*, a recent grad of Boston University. It was pretty awkward when she was accepted, because she and her best friend apply early decision to the same school, and he didnt get in. Applying to college is dramatic enough; theres no need to venture senior year as catty as laguna Beach. So overlook the drama and certify your fri ends the basic, all important(p) details. \n\n5. The One-College miss\n\nA superfluity of pre-collegiettes have several top choices, or even a number one choice if theyre applying early action or early decision. However, this type of applicator unaccompanied has one choice, period. Shes been massive after this school since she was in mall school, she can recognise you all her conceive of schools statistics and she already wears the universitys college swag.\n\nTheres a good gamble the pre-collegiette in question is an application monogynist if she says something like, When I go to [insert prestigious college here] or I cant visit you during fall break because thats when [insert prestigious college here]s homecoming is. Shes on the verge of choosing her classes, selecting a residence dorm room and purchasing her textbooks but she has yet to collar back from her fancy school. \n\nBeing longing about the schools youre applying to is important, but its too exigent to apply to a variety of safety, engineer and reach schools. If youre jilted from your dream school and you dont have any other options, youll as if by magic turn into The Crier. And, if you didnt get the hint earlier, cypher wants to be that type of applicant!\n\n6. The adversary\n\nEven though everyone has disparate lists of potential colleges and top choices, you are technically competing against your peers for a coveted disfigure at a great school. though most pre-collegiettes dont dupe their friends and classmates as top threatsafter all, you and that miss who sits close to you in Spanish could both be accepted to your number one schoolsome applicants post this process as their own variance of The Hunger Games. \n\nShes the one who will ask you about your GPA, test scores and prevalent application essay during class. No bailiwick what your answer is, diverge it to her to try to one-up you. Oh youre only applying to schools in the neon? shell ask. Im real advent urous, so Im also applying to schools in California. Or perhaps shell say, Oh, you apply to 10 schools? I applied to 15.\n\nIn a couple months, youll strike off that shes everlastingly move to beg off her closing decision. Im going to [insert small, disconsolate school here], but its a in reality good school, shell say. Its probably infract than most Ivies.\n\n more likely than not, her belligerent nature is a defensive mechanism. Its only natural to be a little self-conscious about your test scores and list of potential colleges, so this applicant feels the need to justify her choices to everyone. Instead of perception bad about your college choices, remember that her exceptionable behavior comes from an hazardous place. Trust us, itll propose handling this pre-collegiette a million generation easier.\n\n7. The Sabotager\nThough one-uppers are commonsly virtuous and wrapped up in their own insecurities, beware of one particular type of belligerent applicant: Th e Sabotager. (Cue the dramatic music.) darn many people are ready to support you during this process, she is out to bring you down. \n\nTheres forming an educated opinion about a college, and then theres actively plotting against your classmates. Sounds pathetic, right? \n\nWhen I was applying to UChic past, a girl I knew at the time tried to prevent me from applying by pointing out all the bad things she could think of about the college, says Amelia*, a recent graduate of University of Chicago.\n\nFrom dissing the dine hall to constantly bringing up the schools scandals, pointing out the negatives of your top school is a major red flag. So whats a pre-collegiette to do if shes face up with a competitive applicant? Be just as competitive with them? Though stooping to this applicants aim sounds tempting, take the high road and reach out to be supportive. If you feel as if the competitors lecture are sinking feeling in, dont be terror-stricken to change the subject. \n\nBe wor ryful of students who do that, warns Amelia. sometimes they are well-intentioned, but a lot of the time they arent. You should be the only one to look the advantages and disadvantages of a college you really want to go to, not individual else.\n\nChances are she loves inquisitive with more than your college application process. From hooking up with your crush to stealing your prom dress, this pre-collegiette is usually bad news. \n\nThough this type of applicant drives you crazy, dont forget that no bodys going to tolerate that backstabbing attitude in college. So instead of getting even or starting a catfight in the cafeteria (Mean Girls-style, naturally), just ignore her. Itll be worth it.\n\n \n\n8. The raffish Pre-Collegiette\n\nDo you have a friend whos late on approximately every college dead boundary? Or what about the one who has no set list of potential colleges? Ladies, meet The Carefree Pre-Collegiette. The true(p) definition of a free spirit, this type of applicant is more than calm, cool and roll up about the application process. In fact, she hasnt devote much pattern into her coming(prenominal). Shes usually the girl who is texting her BFFs instead of taking notes during the college meetings. Or maybe shes the one who hasnt even looked at the common app yet. \n\nSo where is she applying? not sure yet, shell probably answer. \n\n perchance you havent talked to this pre-collegiette about applying to school, but you can tip this type of applicant from a gnarl away. Whether she is late to first period every day, forgets to do her Spanish homework or always cancels on plans last minute, shes not the most unspoilt girl. \n\nWere all for not stressing yourself out about school, but its important to take this process seriously.\n\n 9. The Indecisive Applicant\n\nThere are a lot of decisions you have to sop up before you apply to schools: your potential major, whether you favor a urban center school or a college with a quad and your exal ted student body size, just to name a few. Unfortunately, qualification decisions (and sticking to them) isnt this pre-collegiettes strength. In fact, she has a different vision of her future every time you talk to her. Currently, she wants to be an advertising major, but didnt she want to last a gear up a few days ago? Her list of potential college is long and constantly changing.\n\nThis type of applicant isnt only shy(p) about college-related decision; she changes her outfit at least iii times before leaving for school and can never choose a movie to watch. Lets not forget that decision making what she wants to eat takes, oh, 45 minutesdont get us started on how long it took her to pick a restaurant! \n\nUnless this type of applicant enrolls in a decision-making melody pronto, we have a sneaking irresolution youll encounter a slew of undecided pre-collegiettes once youre at school. From choosing where they want to study abroad to deciding if they should live off-campus, this collegiette will drive you nuts. \n\n10. The legacy\n\nWho needs to stress out about college when Mommy and dadaism have donated thousands of dollars to their alma maters impertinently renovated library? Sometimes this type of applicant is very humble. If it wasnt for the bumper stickers on her mummy and dads cars or those tweets about how worldly she is during alumni weekend, you wouldnt know that she hails from a long line of [insert college here] graduates.\n\nBut, of course, theres the pre-collegiette who brags about how her grandfather, uncle, aunt, dad, mom and second cousin-german (twice removed, of course) all attend the same school (you didnt ask). This breed of legacy applicant is so pretentious about being a legacy, you secretly promise theres a bug in the organisation and she doesnt get in. scratchy? We dont blame you! \n\nThough this type of applicant loves boasting that her legacy status basically makes her a shoe-in, remember that most college student s dont care if your parents are part of the alumni committee; you have to earn your entranceway!

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