Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Brutus motives were just. His motives were just because with Caesars ascent in power, he pull up stakes forget how to use and handle that power and authority. People bowl over tail to turn their back when they aim everything in their hands. When Brutus is talk of the town in the grove, he gives a speech that supports why his motives are just. alone tis a common proof that lowliness is young breathing ins guide, whereto the climber upward turns his face; But when he formerly attains the up most round, He then unto the ladder turns his back, looks in the clouds, scorning the base degrees by which he did ascend. (2.1.21-27). This quote shows that when Caesar gets to the top, he bequeath have so much power. Once he has totally(a) that power and authority, he bequeath start to neglect the sizable number of Rome. He will be blinded by all the power he has up there. It shows that if Caesar is presented with such power, he will abuse it by neglecting those below him. Brutus doesnt necessity to risk of exposure the harm that may befall the hoi polloi of Rome. Then, Brutus continues his speech. He adds on to the list on why Caesar would be a deadly leader to Rome.
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All Brutus wants is that the spate of Rome will have the best experience and leader. He continues talking in the the orchard about how he thinks Caesars intentions towards Romes republic arent heading in a legal direction. It mustiness be by his death; and for my part,I know no own(prenominal) cause to spurn at him,But for the general. He would be crown (2.1.10-13). This quote shows that Brutus wants the best for Rome. Caesar threatens Romes democracy. All Brutus wants is to detention the Democracy Rome has established because that! is whats best for the people of Rome.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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